Listening Booth

Poetry You Can Hear

Welcome to the Listening Booth. Sometimes, it's refreshing to rest your weary eyes and listen to poems.

Note: When - in the 1970s - I came upon the poems of Phyllis McGinley about life in suburban New York, the 1961 Pulitzer Prize winner seemed to grant me permission to write about my life as a woman of the Boomer generation. Unlike McGinley, I did not always rejoice in what I found to be true, chafing at the conventional view of a woman's role. I did rejoice in the natural world, the everyday beauty around me and the joy I found in motherhood.

Learn about my times here and in the Poetry Reading Room. Click a title link below to hear a poem. Thank you.

Three Trees at Dusk, Chatsworth, CA

Birch Tree by a Dock, Lake George, NY

Kid-Friendly Poems

In 2008, I built a page of Kid-Friendly poems for my faraway grandchildren. You'll find links to poems listed below. There is a list of fun kid activities, too. If you are a child in mid-kidhood and older (or a child at heart), listen to poems about:

Activities for Kids

After you've heard poems, you could:

  • Draw a picture about a poem.
  • Write your own poem.
  • See a Google Earth view of a place mentioned in a poem.
  • Write to me.